We connect people and places through art, research and creative action. We empower local communities, wherever they may be, to make positive change right on their doorsteps.
Small town doesn't mean small thinking. Big city doesn't mean big expense.
Small town doesn't mean small ambition. Big city doesn't mean big ego.
Local is a creative placemaking arts organisation. We work with communities to deliver world-class arts projects, programmes and experiences. We look out as well as in, by partnering with neighbours and international communities to celebrate what's great about a place, bringing in fresh thinking and new collaborations. Together we shape places that are more relevant, accessible and sustainable for the future. Local projects for everyone.
Action research. Public art. Coffee and creativity. Cultural programming. Art and conversation. Urban rooms. Empowering artists. Co-designing futures. Sustainability practice. Psychogeography
We have a tried and tested toolkit, but we’re open minded! Every project is as bespoke as its place. So, whether it’s through public art, cultural programming or community engagement, we always start with local to unlock the potential of place.
Where is local?
County Durham
Greater Manchester
Local is a creative placemaking practice
Local is a creative placemaking arts organisation. We work with communities to deliver world-class arts projects, programmes and experiences. We look out as well as in, by partnering with neighbours and international communities to celebrate what's great about a place, bringing in fresh thinking and new collaborations. Together we shape places that are more relevant, accessible and sustainable for the future. Local projects for everyone.